Agony Aunt – Aunt Agatha Contributor
Thank you for your interest in being our Aunt Agatha.
Each issue we will be inviting a qualified and experienced Maternity Nurse and / or iInfant Care Specialist to act as our Aunt Agatha to answer questions on anything about working in the Maternity Nurse profession be it personal or professional.
The Maternity Nurse Magazine guest Agony Aunts are not employees of The Maternity Nurse Magazine and do not receive compensation for answering questions sent to us. If you are interested in being our guest Agony Aunt contact the editor.
How it works
Step One – In the strictest confidence, Maternity nurses’ email in a question to Aunt Agatha and it is forwarded anonymously onto our guest Aunt Agatha by the deadline submission date.
Step Two - Our guest Aunt Agatha chooses up to 4 questions to reply to with her words of wisdom.
Step Three - Aunt Agatha sends her replies to be published in The Maternity Nurse Magazine via email back to the editor by the reply deadline date.
We accept files via email as attachments such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Apple Pages and Google Doc.
To apply to be our guest Aunt Agatha please complete the form on our contributor page.
You may use your personal social media and website to promote your contribution as The Maternity Nurse Magazine Aunt Agatha after your contribution is published in The Maternity Nurse Magazine.
All guest Aunt Agatha’s are given contributor thanks on the contributor’s page, which includes a short bio, website link, and social media links.
You will also be required to include a photograph of yourself, your full name, a short bio including qualifications and your professional title for the Agony Aunt page.
How often can I be Aunt Agatha?
You may apply to be our guest Aunt Agatha one time, or multiple times!
If you would like a chat about being our Aunt Agatha pop an email over to the editor -