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About Us

About The Maternity Nurse Magazine
Maternity Nurse Magazine - Team work makes the dream work.

Welcome to:
The Maternity Nurse Magazine

Welcome to The Maternity Nurse Magazine, 


A publication crafted by esteemed professionals within the Maternity Nurse and Infant Care Industry. 


With a collective experience of over 100 years in post-qualified expertise in maternity nursing and infant care between us, our team is dedicated to delivering unrivalled knowledge and insights.


Within the pages of our magazine, you will have the opportunity to acquaint yourself with our esteemed contributors, each an accomplished figure within their respective fields.


Our primary focus will be on providing specialised valuable content for parents of newborns and dedicated professionals.


Serving as an all-encompassing information resource, we aim to supply you with everything you need to know about parenting your baby, infant care, booking a Maternity Nurse and how to excel as a Maternity Nurse or professional working in postnatal infant care.


Our content will cover a wide range of topics, including what to expect for the first few months with a new baby, how to  book a maternity nurse, night nanny, sleep specialist or day nanny, practical advice for postnatal infant care, classified advertisements tailored to your business needs, and an assortment of Maternity Nurse-approved products.


Additionally, we are thrilled to be featuring guest articles from esteemed experts in the field of infant care, including Maternity Nurses, Lactation Consultants, Paediatric Gastroenterologists, Sleep Specialists, Tongue Tie Specialists, and Paediatricians, among others. 
These specialists, with their unparalleled expertise in the care and development of babies, will provide invaluable insights.


You will find information on -

  • Infant care

  • Safe sleep

  • Practical advice for being a Maternity Nurse and working in private postnatal infant care

  • Everything you should know about booking a maternity Nurse

  • Maternity Nurse approved products

  • Classified advertising for -

  • Infant Care Services

  • Parent job adverts 

  • Agencies seeking Maternity Nurses, other Childcare professional and clients

  • Maternity Nurses and Infant Care Specialists advertising their businesses


Lastly, we are proud to introduce our very own Agony Aunt, Aunt Agatha, who will be on hand to address your queries and concerns with her wealth of wisdom and advice.


In a profession where a dedicated publication has been conspicuously absent, we are delighted to fill this void and bring together parents seeking private in-home infant care, the Maternity Nursing and Infant Care Industry through the medium of our magazine.


Karen Carter NNEB



Private Maternity Nurses
Maternity Nurses
The Maternity Nurse Magazine
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